Aims and Objectives
Aims and Objectives
Astrophysical research is a wide field, which requires cooperation between a range of interlinked subjects extending between precision engineering & physics to research into the sustainabilty of the Humanosphere. In Kyoto University, we have the ability to draw on a wide range of experience in astrophysical research due to the large number of different departments, and their wide ranging research interests.
USSS aims to bring these areas together in the following ways.
(1) Research into space engineering
Cooperation both inside the University and with outside bodies in theoretical research, satellite construction (for X-ray astronomical, solar and terrestrial magnetospheric observation), Rocket and balloon-borne observation and experiments in Astronomy and aerospace engineering.
(2) Development of inter-disciplinary study
Including fields such as space medicine, life science, pharmacy, agriculture, information and computer science, energy science and environmental science, as well as subjects based in human and social sciences (like philosophy,anthropology,law,politics, and economics) can be brought together.
Main sections
Space environment
The prediction / forecast and understanding for space environment are going to require day by day associated with rapid expansion of human space utilization and exploration. We, in our section of space environment, focus to clarify the forecast on space environmental change, so called “Space Weather”. We research how its variation influences to the global environment, social infrastructure and human life. Additionally, we assist to cultivate human resources capable of progress our research.
Space sensing technologies and applications
Space for human being is widely evolving as “utilization of space” after appearing satellites and space vehicles. We, in our section of space sensing technologies and applications, research into development of advanced technology for celestial observation instrument, and aspire to wide use of its observed data and mutually application between space technology and industry /culture on the Earth. Observed data obtained by remote sensing technology are promoted to utilize for different field, e.g. Archaeology of civilization, disaster prevention and field-work and so on. Through these activities, we plan to educate people who can utilize space technic and information on their own initiative, and discover / understand its value.
Space humanities and social sciences
The humankind has been interested in the whole concept of space since the mythical age. Space sciences are still innovating our view of world, life and human today. As human civilization expands the range of activities to space, it brings us new problems concerning humanities and social sciences, especially moral and legal ones. We, in our section of supace humanities and social sciences, explore the future of human civilization from various perspectives e.g. those of philosophy, ethics, anthropology, history and religion. We make effort to develop human resources with both knowledge of human and social sciences and that of natural sciences and advanced technologies.
Public engagement
It strongly requires social collaboration and co-creation in order to promote space exploration and/or space researches. We, in our public engagement section, research history of social cooperation and activities in the field of space sciences and, disseminate our result derived from unique aspect of University, such like experimental and challenging activities, to communities. We aim to construct highly-developed “Society-Academy collaboration research” and are going to address human resources development which can manage to progress space sciences as a bridge between academic research and society.